
Global Call: Revitalize the Grand Canal Competition

国际设计 2023-09-17

The canal carries the good wishes of mankind for connectivity and resource sharing, and the excavation and use of the canal is a historical witness of the development of civilization to a certain height. Throughout the world, about 500 canals are distributed in more than 50 countries, nourishing more than 3000 cities and tens of thousands of ancient towns along the canal. As the first canal in the world, Jing–Hang Grand Canal spans more than 10 latitudes, passes through eight provinces and cities, and reaches five major water systems. It is an artificial river with the earliest excavation, the longest mileage and the largest project in the history of human civilization. It was officially listed in the world heritage list in 2014. Nowadays, canal culture has become the common language of international communication and the life community of human sustainable development.

As the only prefecture level city in China where the canal passes through the central urban area, Cangzhou has deeply integrated the canal culture into the construction and development of the city. By building a splendid cultural belt of the Grand Canal, Cangzhou has improved the image of the lion city and showed its cultural confidence. As an important part of Planning and design for beautiful Hebei-The Fifth Hebei International Urban Planning and Design Competition (Cangzhou), Revitalization of the Grand Canal (Cangzhou section) International Designer Competition closely follows the national policies and relies on YUANYE AWARDS competition platform, and solicits creative urban space renewal schemes from designers, artists, college teachers, students and interdisciplinary practitioners in the fields of urban planning, architecture, landscape and art design globally. The competition aims to enhance the spatial vitality of Cangzhou old city, promote the construction of the Grand Canal cultural belt, and catalyze the construction of an innovative city, so as to open up a new era of economically powerful and beautiful Cangzhou, and to create a high-quality living environment and revitalize the Grand Canal and city.

 Competition Theme 

The competition is an exploration of the quality of public space and a journey to find originality and artistic creativity. With the theme of "Revitalize the Grand Canal and Reappear its Charm" and the actual environment on both sides of Cangzhou Canal, it is a good opportunity to rethink and look forward to the future of the city from an ecological perspective.

The competition takes on a micro approach and small-scale intervention to a specific site directly, rather than the overall layout and macro strategy of Cangzhou City. Meanwhile, it places an equal emphasis on design and social perspectives. With the design of urban structures to stimulate the city’s vitality through urban renewal/repair functions, health and sports facilities, intelligent urban furniture, public art installations, lighting and way-finding systems, participants are also required to put forward corresponding operation concepts in later phases, propose new perspectives, stages and focus to enrich the daily life, and finally achieve the goal of livable city and natural harmony.


Hosts: Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Hebei Provincial Department of natural resources 
Organizer: Cangzhou Municipal People's Government

Co-organizer: Cangzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau

Media support:Global Design Magazine, chla.com.cn


Deadline for Registration: 24:00 (GMT+8), April 30th, 2022 
Deadline for Submission: 18:00 (GMT+8), May 31st, 2022

 Design Scope

Site 1:Reconstruction of industrial site of steel mill area

Located on the east side of the canal and the northwest corner of the intersection of Qingchi Avenue and Huanghe Road, the steel mill covers an area of about 18 mu(12000 ㎡ ). It was built in the 1980s and has been shut down at present. Participants can choose to transform the steel mill buildings or improve the overall landscape. 

Site 2:Grand Canal ferry design

The competition selects four ancient ferries recorded in local chronicle of Cangzhou to continue the memory of both sides of the canal. They are Daijiayuan ferry, Baijiakou ferry, Zaoshumiao ferry and Caishikou ferry, which are all located between Yongji road and Huanghe Road. Participants can take the four ancient ferries as a unified topic for overall design, or choose any one of them.

Site 3: Improvement of the surrounding environment of LYU house 

LYU house which built in 1933 is located on the east of the canal and about 100 meters south of Xinhua bridge in Cangzhou City. It is a quadrangle building integrating both Chinese and West style during the period of the Republic of China, covering an area of 714 square meters and a construction area of 452 square meters. In 2009, LYU house has been listed as a major historical and cultural site (4th batch) protected by Cangzhou city. The competition requires participants to transform and improve the surrounding environment of LYU house, and fully consider the relationship between the building and the canal.

 Review Process and Award

The competition has preliminary review and final review process. In the preliminary review process, about total 20 teams of preliminary winning entries will be selected from the above 3 sites respectively; the final review will select the following awards from the preliminary winning entries:

First Prize (1 team): Certificate + Bonus 100,000CNY (Tax included)
Second Prize (3 teams): Certificate + Bonus 30,000CNY (Tax included) 
Third Prize (10 teams): Certificate + Bonus 15,000CNY (Tax included) 
Honorable Prize (a certain number): Award Certificate + Global Design magazine

 Registration Requirements


Based on the context along the canal with regional characteristics and developmental potential, the competition solicits creative urban space renewal schemes and operation concepts facing the world. The competition encourages participants to choose sites and research with freedom within the design scope. The topic and function are self-determined, but it needs to correspond the current situation of the site and consider the feasibility. The winning entries will have the opportunity to be implemented on the site, and the specific implementation will be based on the final resolution of the local government.


1. Design principles 

(1) Innovation: Create diverse spaces for citizens and tourists and the design mustbe original by participants. 

(2) Regionalism:The design shall be combined with the local history and human culture, natural environment to highlight the regional characteristics; 

(3) Sustainability: The sustainability of materials and operation shall be considered in the design; 

(4) Feasibility: The feasibility of materials and construction form shall be considered in the design; 

2. Design content 

The competition encourages innovation based on ecology and quality of life. Participants can choose sites and topic within the design scope. It is not only limited to the transformation and improvement of urban public space within the design scope, but also includes urban repair functions, intelligent urban furniture, health and sports facilities, public art installations, small structures and architectural transformation (Transformation of facade and interior space of still mill, properly structural reinforcement can be considered), etc. 

Participants can submit an independent entry or a series of entries. Multiple entries are accepted. The series entries refer to the series of creations under the same theme, while production-oriented repetitive patchwork is discouraged.


Email: yyb@chla.com.cn 

Website: http://cangzhoucompetition.yuanyebei.com/ 

Tel: +86(0)10-88360800; +86 13522910557 

QQ Group: 786025723

 Referential Cases

1. Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord in Ruhr-gebiet of Germany
Designed by Latz + Partner

Germany's Ruhr region, once a heavy industrial zone based on coal and steel and specializing in heavy and chemical industries, declined after World War II. In the 1960s, ruhr began to adjust the industrial structure and layout, develop the tertiary industry and optimize the ecological environment. After comprehensive renovation, ruhr turned from decline to prosperity and became a beautiful environment area, providing a model for the transformation of old industrial zones around the world.

In 1989, the German government held the Ruhr Emscher Park Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) in the Ruhr Industrial Zone, covering about 100 projects, and the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord was one of the projects. Originally the project was located in the site of Thyssenkrupp Group,after discontinued operation, it was transformed into a large-scale landscape park with the background in the coal and steel industries. It has become a world-renowned model of the post-industrial landscape renovation. It is neither as the park in the sense of tradition nor the landscape in the sense of universality. It integrates, reshapes, develops and connects the fabric shaped by the function of the original industrial zone, matching the new interpretation with the new grammar, and weaves the original fragments into a new "landscape".

@Latz + Partner

@Latz + Partner

@Latz + Partner

@Latz + Partner

2. Docklands Red Carpet Dublin Grand Canal Square

Designed by Martha Schwartz Partners

The project is located in the heart of Dublin City, the capital of Ireland, also as the node of Dublin Harbour and the part of the Urban Renaissance. The square covers an area of 10,000 square meters, and it is located on the waterfront along the west of the port. It is also the largest and most eye-catching public open space in the city. The site owns a long history, beautiful scenery and large flow of people, the design group drew inspiration from the surrounding natural environment.

As the square is an area frequented by cultural celebrities, in front of cultural buildings, a wide central "red carpet" was designed from the entrance of the theater to the canal. The "red carpet" pier, starting from the theatre, crosses a chessboard of grass and vegetation. The red carpet is made of red plexiglas and red vegetation, creating a lively atmosphere at night.A "green carpet" of polygonal planters provides ample seatings, and marsh plants are grown to evoke the memory of the original site as a swamp. The square has iconic landscape lighting posts, as well as small interactive settings that allow people to control the lighting on and frequency through their mobile phones. After the comletion of this project, this square became a promising land for investment for the European developers, and the local could hold a variety of art activities here.

3. Section 2 of the High Line in America

Designed by Field Operations / Piet Oudolf

The High Line Park in New York was builted based on the time-honored overhead freight traffic railway. It is a public space that integrates the park with the community, the street and the city. Visitors could appreciate the unique scenery of New York while experiencing the fun of arts, performance and socializing. It puts the city into a new perspective, considered as a symbol of innovative design and sustainability, as well as an inspiration to other cities - - proving that landscape design can make a huge difference to the quality of urban life.

The section 2 of the High Line, which opened in June 2011, with the length of a mile around, is much narrower and straighter than the first one. The combination of the historic warehouses, residential buildings and new developments are on the both sides. The designers respect the nature of the High Line itself, using the existing things and "growing" the new out of something old. Instead of overdesigning the park through elaborating interventions, the existed environment was enhanced and designed into immersive experiences, episodic walks and surreal tours through all of the city. In this project, conservation and innovation are combined as the new, compelling, one-of-a-kind recreational facility and public promenade, through the adaptive reuse of the existing structure.

©Iwan Baan

©Iwan Baan

©Iwan Baan

©Iwan Baan

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